What are the next steps?

If you have made it to this page, you likely fall into 1 of 4 categories:

  1. You’re ready to makes moves and get things going. Self high-five! Take yourself to the “Contact Me” page and let’s get the ball rolling.

  2. You feel on the proverbial fence and have more questions you need answered. Hopefully, you find the answers here on this page. If however, you don’t, please connect with me on the “Contact Me” page. I want you to feel confident in your verdict.

  3. You are feeling negatively about coaching. That is okay, we all get to feel how we feel. If, at some point in the future you feel drawn back, I hope to connect with you then!

  4. Looky-loo- you recently became aware of coaching. You are gathering information to see what the fuss is about. Looky-loo away and connect with me about any questions that come up for you.

What does a session look like?

If disappointment stems from unmet expectations, let’s start out on the right foot with outlining what the process looks like. We will meet at the frequency of your choosing, though, I would recommend no less than one-time monthly for you to see results. Each session is about 45 minutes. Finding a place with little to no distractions is preferable. It will allow you to be as present as possible. Alternatively, if you prefer a moving session we will meet at a park to walk and talk. Walking is an excellent way to access and process emotions. You will determine the topic for us to explore each time. There may be the occasion for “homework”. I use the term loosely as there are no term papers due. Coaching is the same as anything in life, what you put in, is what you get out. You wouldn’t go and sit in a gym, do nothing, and expect results.


If you build it, they will come…. which is to say, we both find ourselves here. At the end of the day, pricing is not the end all be all. If you have the will, we will work to find the way! I understand that seems elusive. My desire is to convey hope, hope that you believe in yourself enough to at least initiate the conversation.